I love The Dud Advocado! Though it took a turn for me after I delved into Dundy’s bio and marriage. It changed the way I read it, especially those final chapters.
Thanks for reminding .me about the Dud Avocado. I think I read and liked it in high school, but I don't remember much about it. Just requested it from the library.
And I agree with you about no black boat shoes. Mine are brown as nature intended...
I was previously unaware of The Dud Avocado. I'll look for it. Also, I second the motion for folks to watch the new Ripley. I went into it a skeptic and came out of it a fan.
Dimly remember that someone I know was working on a screenplay aeons ago. Perfect book. It deserves its moment. I am surprised more people don’t tag it to The Bell Jar too.
I love The Dud Advocado! Though it took a turn for me after I delved into Dundy’s bio and marriage. It changed the way I read it, especially those final chapters.
Thanks for reminding .me about the Dud Avocado. I think I read and liked it in high school, but I don't remember much about it. Just requested it from the library.
And I agree with you about no black boat shoes. Mine are brown as nature intended...
I was previously unaware of The Dud Avocado. I'll look for it. Also, I second the motion for folks to watch the new Ripley. I went into it a skeptic and came out of it a fan.
It shocked me! I enjoyed it so much.
This book didn't full connect for me, but I definitely think about the way she describes her pink hair ALL THE TIME.
Dimly remember that someone I know was working on a screenplay aeons ago. Perfect book. It deserves its moment. I am surprised more people don’t tag it to The Bell Jar too.