I'm 41 and am a relatively recent convert to regular skin care. I used to just slap some lotion (whatever was around) on whenever things felt dry. But a couple years ago I got hit with a double whammy of a facial dermatitis outbreak and a basal cell carcinoma just above my lip. Since then I've been trying a lot of things to intentionally take better care of my face (and skin generally).

Here's what I use now:

- Moisturizer: Eucerin Skin Calming Cream (applied after showering to face and neck and dry spots)

- Sunscreen: Supergoop Play 50 (applied each morning to any skin that will be exposed to the sun)

- Lip balm: Trader Joe's Virtuoso SPF 15 Spearmint

- Undereye: RoC Retinol Correxion Under Eye Cream (applied morning and night)

- Lower face (aka "beard scalp"?): Burt's Bees Beard Balm

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When I was in high school, I loved Rescue Me on FX. I'm sure it doesn't hold up, in part because half the plot lines were just about one of the firefighters using facial moisturizer and the rest of the firehouse going into a gay panic.

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I have a teen son who went through a few rounds of Accutane. That will force you to pay attention to your skin, as it dries and flakes! He keeps it simple: two different face washes (one glycolic and one gentle) and a basic moisturizer, but he’s at college and I can pretty much guarantee he isn’t moisturizing. He does have a lip balm addiction, for better or worse, due to me.

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I’m 40 and I use SPF 15 minimum every day. This schvitz-talk has me thinking I should put some more on when I’m done at the gym. Excellent gumshoe reporting, BTW. It’s helpful now that the urge to hermit is upon us.

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I don't exactly remember how it started, but I'm using a moisturizer since my early 20s. I didn't have a ton of pimples (or acnes at all) in my teens, but I've always felt that my skin, especially my face, was really dry most of the time. Once I tried a basic cream, I began experimenting with different stuff and soon found the perfect face moisturizer and I've literally felt my skin freshen up (like it was drowning and the cream made it breathe). So ever since, I use it twice a day: mornings and evenings.

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