I'm a martini fan and I prefer the V-shaped glass; I think it slows down consumption, which is key. I shudder at any variation that is not gin and a whisper of vermouth (usually with bitters, but that's not a dealbreaker for me). I try not to grimace at those who drink variations, including some of my closest friends, who insist on vodka.
we should just come up with a name for a vodka martini so these people can stop crowding out the use of the term "Martini" to refer to actual Martinis.
I never liked the V shaped glasses; bartenders would fill them up to the brim and they would slosh around, spilling all over the bar before you could even get it to your lips. Nick and Nora’s are not only more elegant but also functionally superior.
I don’t have any objection to the existence of all the martini variations out there, I just don’t understand why they get labeled as Martinis - and not even “[such and such] martinis” most of the time, just Martini. There’s already a drink with that name! Find your own name for your new gin cocktail! All I really ask is that I can be confident that when I say “I’ll have a martini” I’ll get glass with gin, vermouth, and an olive in it, and not have to check beforehand for surprises.
Also I’m always grumpy if it doesn’t come in a V glass but lucky for me Boise is still behind the times and still mostly uses the classic glass.
When I worked on the supplier side, research indicated that spirit cycles are roughly 15 years long, so if you mark the beginning of whiskey around 2008 & add in the pandemic, it makes perfect sense that we’re cycling back to vodka drinks now. Add in zest for the late 90s/early aughts and God save us from the people likely to get annoyingly prosaic about screwdrivers, cosmos & White Russians in the near future too.
I'm a martini fan and I prefer the V-shaped glass; I think it slows down consumption, which is key. I shudder at any variation that is not gin and a whisper of vermouth (usually with bitters, but that's not a dealbreaker for me). I try not to grimace at those who drink variations, including some of my closest friends, who insist on vodka.
I tend to like vodka and I’m fine when my friends make fun of me for it, and I’m not against variations when they’re not too “out there.”
But sake might work!!
we should just come up with a name for a vodka martini so these people can stop crowding out the use of the term "Martini" to refer to actual Martinis.
I never liked the V shaped glasses; bartenders would fill them up to the brim and they would slosh around, spilling all over the bar before you could even get it to your lips. Nick and Nora’s are not only more elegant but also functionally superior.
I don’t have any objection to the existence of all the martini variations out there, I just don’t understand why they get labeled as Martinis - and not even “[such and such] martinis” most of the time, just Martini. There’s already a drink with that name! Find your own name for your new gin cocktail! All I really ask is that I can be confident that when I say “I’ll have a martini” I’ll get glass with gin, vermouth, and an olive in it, and not have to check beforehand for surprises.
Also I’m always grumpy if it doesn’t come in a V glass but lucky for me Boise is still behind the times and still mostly uses the classic glass.
When I worked on the supplier side, research indicated that spirit cycles are roughly 15 years long, so if you mark the beginning of whiskey around 2008 & add in the pandemic, it makes perfect sense that we’re cycling back to vodka drinks now. Add in zest for the late 90s/early aughts and God save us from the people likely to get annoyingly prosaic about screwdrivers, cosmos & White Russians in the near future too.
I only discovered the gin martini in middle age. Now I'm addicted.