Our family had a Grand Wagoneer growing up, and the way Great Outdoors contributed to the mythology of the GW as an iconic family vehicle can't be overstated. It definitely played a part in my parents buying one- it was even the same color as the one in the movie.
But to burst that bubble a bit, our GW was of course gorgeous but kind of a…
Our family had a Grand Wagoneer growing up, and the way Great Outdoors contributed to the mythology of the GW as an iconic family vehicle can't be overstated. It definitely played a part in my parents buying one- it was even the same color as the one in the movie.
But to burst that bubble a bit, our GW was of course gorgeous but kind of a lemon. It had this weird idling problem that mechanics could never quite fix, and it was one of those cars there was a trick to starting. It was also unsurprisingly a shameful gas guzzler.
My wife and I test drove one of the new Wagoneers when they first hit the market, even knowing it was too ridiculously large and expensive to be an option for us. It was very nice and plush, a true suburban assault vehicle. But it was a missed opportunity to not at least offer wood paneling as an option.
Our family had a Grand Wagoneer growing up, and the way Great Outdoors contributed to the mythology of the GW as an iconic family vehicle can't be overstated. It definitely played a part in my parents buying one- it was even the same color as the one in the movie.
But to burst that bubble a bit, our GW was of course gorgeous but kind of a lemon. It had this weird idling problem that mechanics could never quite fix, and it was one of those cars there was a trick to starting. It was also unsurprisingly a shameful gas guzzler.
My wife and I test drove one of the new Wagoneers when they first hit the market, even knowing it was too ridiculously large and expensive to be an option for us. It was very nice and plush, a true suburban assault vehicle. But it was a missed opportunity to not at least offer wood paneling as an option.